4th week, Controller was done! and new character design

Hi dude,
in the last week, We made some animations and new characters!


and the new character as the merchant!


and we got the dungeon test scene now!

last time, We began the refactoring to solve the complexity. 

Unity (or another engine has the same thing, I guess) has the problem. each part (movement, animations, Mechanim) required the FSM.

For example, 
- Player wants to move to the right side => the movement component moves the character to right side => the animation component tries to figure out what happens?  Oh~ the player wants to move the right side!!! Hey Mechanim, we move the right side! => Okay, Let me play the right moving animation! (and how to know when jump up had done!?)

and too many IF-Statement used. 

We have been considering how to make it simple! 

We realized what happens now When the player pushes something button with the collision.

the upper code shows up how our code works. 

-  get the physics event => if the character is on the ground, and not on the ladder, and whatever wall => it is the ground action!
- So, the player pushes the jump button? or the crouch button? or the moving button?
- We can figure out what happens now.

And this controller component will send what situation to the movement component and the animation component.

We can reduce the if~else statements now!

By the upload limitation, next time, Let me say how to avoid the dependency. 


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